Who am I?
Get to know
Daniel Hecker.
Daniel Hecker
my vita
Already at the beginning of my career, the tradition of the hanseatic "honorable businessman“ guided me and my actions. This concept, which unites business and corporate ethics, was and is synonymous with responsible conduct in business that is designed for long-term success. For the benefit of the company, for society and the environment.

Values Create Value.
Values are beliefs and attitudes that guide us in our daily actions and influence our decisions.
Initially these values are not directly aimed at maximizing profits from operational (materially)values. And yet, generally accepted high values serve as a guideline for making business decisions in the operational context and, in the long term, contribute in particular to preserving and increasing materially corporate values. Executives and Managers are to set examples. This role model function provides orientation and also creates an attraction when recruiting employees, which is particularly important in today's competition for talent.
My Values:
Appreciation is an important leadership tool to recognize people's performance and efforts, to encourage them to have taken the right path and to increase intrinsic motivation.
Take on tasks and responsibilities with consistency and steadfastness and concluded them in a results-oriented manner. Also as a commitment in identifying with the task and loyalty to the company and customer.
Integrity is based on the definition of and commitment to basic values and principles according to which one should act. It is expressed in personal behavior and in the behavior of people in a company.
project reports.

Time tracking software modernized
Digitization of all time management processes
Noticeable and lasting relief for the HR department
Managers given more transparency and scope of action

Filling vacancy gap for preparing the annual financial statements
Vacancy bridging for Belgian
and British companies
Timely preparation of annual financial statements
according to US GAAP
Transfer of responsibility
to permanent employee